Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"My, what big teeth you have..."

Time for howling under the moon! Today's animal is, yes you guessed it, none other but our beloved wolf!

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order:  Carnivora

Family: Canidae

Genus: Canis

Species: Canis lupus

That was the scientific classification of the gray wolf, which, like other wolves is coming nearer and nearer to the status called extinction. The only place that I know of where wolves run free is Yellowstone National Park. Look at this adult wolf... Isn't he a beauty? This is a gray wolf. Notice the face and the amber eyes. I don't know about you, but I quail at the presence of such a noble creature.

Why is the wolf ALWAYS the bad guy?

Hmm, Let's see... Large eyes that pierce your soul and make you feel like you are being constantly watched...Which you are, by the way. Sharp insicors and a gleaming row of perfectly sharp teeth and BIG canine teeth on the upper jaw. A very noble face which can turn into a spitting mask if the wolf decides to growl. Elegant structure and imposing body features like strong hind legs and alert, fuzzy ears that perk up with the slightest sound. Look at this wolf, protecting his prey.(Note the faint blood specks on the teeth).  I think  that that  would be enough to scare someone off and induce myths about wolves, not to mention eerie howling to keep communication betweenThisd clans of wolves. Pretty much, I think that this is a list of pretty good reasons to fear  the wolf.

Lions and tigers and werwolves, oh my!

Since humans didn't study wolves for a very long time, many myths surrounded these animals, and most were not very pleasant. For instance: the werewolf. Were means "man" in Anglo-Saxon. Put those two together and you get a "manwolf". A man that is caught between these two. There have been many stories and arguements about how the werewolf looks. If you look up old werewolf sketches, the most likely that the dreaded manwolf be surrounded by corpses, other werewolves or severed limbs and heads. I came across a picture of a werewolf walking away from a house and carrying a baby in his mouth. There was blood and guts everywhere, which is why I didn't post the picture. There was a woman screaming and the household dog chasing after the werewolf. Ugh. Well anyway, I bet many people out there know how to deter werewolves.

One method is the silver bullet. But catch this: silver bullets would inflict minimum damage, because silver is so plausable and soft that it would most likely drop or never pierce skin. And anyways, you can't fashion SOLID silver bullets. There is a coating of silver above something else.

Silver by itself would be fine. A cross would come in handy, but not a stake. Silver lockets, silver crosses, anything silver, you name it and it keeps werewolves away. No one knows whether this creature exists, but like the manticore, this is probably a VERY exaggurated account of a wolf. The manticore was a very imaginitive description of a tiger.

 Packs and Clans of Wolves

 Wolves are dogs. And just like dogs, they are social animals and need social interaction with the rest of their group. Contrary to what people believe, wolves are not man-eating machines that will kill you on sight. You need to respect them and treat them like any other human being. You need to gain their trust, and they need to gain yours. If you are around wolves and are uneasy, you need to relax, because just like your dog at home, wolves can sense nervousness or anxiety. Wolves can make a perfect photo subject, but don't attempt to do any wandering around wolves without advice from a professional. Wolves are very protective of their cubs, and even if they don't kill you and eat you, they WILL attack if they think you pose a threat to their community. This mother wolf is guarding her lair. You can see that she blends in perfectly, and that she is determined to ward off any passers-by to ensure the saftey of her cubs.

Wolves hunt in packs, because the hunt is most likely more successful if there are more than 2 wolves trying. This pack of wolves in Yellowstone National Park is circling, trying to bring down a lone bison. The bison is standing his ground, which makes it more likely that the wolves will be unsuccessful in their hunt. Did you know that wolves are more compassionate than bison or deer? If there is a sick or elderly member of the group in a herd of bison or deer, they will probably leave it behind so it can die and the predators are put at bay. Wolves, on the other hand, will stay behind and protect their fellow packmate.

There are many things that humans have yet to understand about animals and the way to treat them. Perhaps we never will actually understand how to treat them; due to our natural thirst for power and overlooking of unimportant things that might prove vital later on...

Check back tomorrow for another report!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Madagascar Relived

Hello all, and today's report is on the ring-tailed lemur. Very prehensile and we know little about this animal, but nontheless, I have decided to bring to you a report about it, and because someone suggested it to me.

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Family: Lemuridae

Genus: Lemur

Species: Lemur catta

What's So Special About Them?

The ring tailed lemur is one of the many variants of the lemur family, found only on the isolated island of Madagascar. Madagascar is off the east coast of Africa. Having broken off from Africa during the shift of the continents, like Australia, Madagascar had its own evolution and developed animals like no other. This is why the lemur is one of the most severly threatened species walking this planet, just because it evolved differently. Ring tailed lemurs are prehensile with their hands and tail, able to grab and open things, like many primates. They can hang from their tails and also have a strange, chilling cry.

Why Were They Named Something So Weird?

Well, Lemurs is Latin for "spirits of the dead". Shades were called lemurs, and because of their strange cry, settlers thought it was the dead yelling for revenge. And so, the name has stayed throughout the centuries, making the lemur special and like no animal that has every graced this earth. Like a hyena laughing, a lemur yodel isn't very enjoyable, especially when you're camping out in the Madagascar dark, not knowing what surrounds you... Look at this lemur here. She's a new mom, carrying her baby twins. Now isn't that sweet. This photo comes from Wikipedia.

About Lemurs in General

Named after the spirits of the dead because of their cries, lemurs are very shy and that's why we can't study them unless they're in captivity. They dodge every single thing, including their own mates if they are far away. I wanted to post more pictures, but I couldn't find any. I couldn't find any videos either. It's our OBLIGATION to protect these animals because we are the ones that are destroying the world. I hope that this changed your mind about recycling more and being more economical. Stay tuned for another report tomorrow, sharpish! :o)

Monday, May 7, 2007

Good Morning to Everyone!

Good morning. It is another hot day over here in Greece... It's morning and the temperature is already at 19 degrees C... Woof, today's going to be a hot day.

Today's report is going to be on Ring-Tailed Lemurs. One, because of the heat and two, Lemurs mean something special to me.

Check back soon for a report!

Fluffy Tails

Rabbits are one of the most jittery animals on this planet, having one, I think that I know most about them. My rabbit, named "Bunny" got scared of his own reflection. He tried to attack the mirror, but as he failed and slid down the surface, he got freaked out of his fur and all I saw was a speeding ball of brown-white fur.

Scientific Classification:

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Lagomorpha

Family: Leporidae

Genus: Oryctolagus

Species: Oryctolagus cuniclus

Eating Habits

Rabbits, just like rats, will pretty much eat anything that is put in front of their furry little muzzles. They can gnaw through wood (as Bunny has demonstrated) and can even chew through hard cover books. They love fruits, but these little fuzzbutts are notorious for their sensitive stomachs. Apple is a favorite, and so is lettuce. Surprisingly, many rabbits don't like carrot and banana. They prefer fruits or tomatoes (which should NEVER be given to them). Some rabbits love chew toys, some don't. Some love to be cuddled and others will shriek in discomfort when hugged or held. Some love to be kissed and others will scratch the skin off of your face to get away. Each rabbit has his own personality, which is why I call rabbits: "dogs in rabbit suits". Rabbits are also gluttons for food, but should never be given more than needed because they can die from stomach problems, stopped up bowels and obesity.

Rabbits as Pets

Rabbits make excellent pets, and they are like dogs, but smaller and MUCH lower-maintenance. They love their humans and will pick favorites in their family if not well treated. Everybody in a human family should have a good bond with the rabbit to ensure its trust in the owners.

Rabbits have very basic needs. Fresh water every day, a small handful of dry rabbit food and about 1 cup of fresh and well dried non-watery vegetables. They love broccoli and spinach, and do well with basil and lettuce. If you want your rabbit to live its maximum life, which is about 12-15 years, you should change the bedding everyday or every other day. Rabbits can get infections in their lungs, eyes, ears and anus from feces left too long in their cage. Also, an unkempt rabbit will smell bad. Do not get sawdust. Get wood shavings. Just make sure that the wood shavings are not pine or cedar. These can irritate rabbits' lungs and eyes. Avoid scented wood shavings, because these too are not safe for your furry friend. They also need a supply of fresh hay every hour of the day, because this helps them with the digestion of their food.

Rabbits can live outside, but need a warm hutch and if it's a female, a nice nesting box. Make sure that no predators or other house hold pets have access to the rabbit. My Bunny is scared to death of cats and dogs, and usually tries to bolt, even if he sees them through a window or we're holding him. I think that you can imagine the outcome when you are holding a desperately struggling animal, and a dog barking doesn't help either. Bunny jumped onto my back when he saw a dog, and my family had to extract him before he fell off. That was just plain scary. Rabbit cages need to be at least 4x the size of the rabbit, ensuring that the bunny will have enough space to run. Rabbits love 2-3 floors on their cage, but will do fine in a normal one.

Rabbits are very clean animals, and my rabbits spends most of the day grooming and lying in chamomile hay. This results in amazing pleasure when you kiss him, because he smells like cinnamon and chamomile. Contrary to what many people believe, rabbits are very clean and definitely cleaner than cats. They can be litter box trained too, although I haven't managed this yet as my rabbit goes to one specific corner of his cage to do his stuff. Most rabbits have a specific corner where they "go" for their needs. Others can be messy slobs that couldn't care less about what they lie in, eww!

Both males and females make good pets, but I think that males are better because they don't get their period and like cuddles more, much like rats. Females get their period and excrete a yellowish/red liquid which is sticky, and they also aren't very fond of hugs. She will jump at the slightest thing, even a small swoosh in the grass or a human walking around the house.

Rabbits need at least 2 hours of excersize every day. Think about being trapped in a cage 24/7 without anything to do!

Go research them, because if you can't afford a dog or a cat, an elder isn't really fond of hamsters etc, a rabbit might be a good choice for you!

Rabbits are very unique, and they all shine with a glow of their own. I think that rabbits deserve an altar on the pantheon of pets, as they are just as caring as a dog or cat. If you decide to get a rabbit, look forward to an amazing and quirky relationship, because rabbits are truly humorous!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Oh, and I Forgot to Tell You...

That today's animal is rabbit day! This is dedicated to my very own rabbit. Power to bunny lovers! :o)

Disappointing Announcement

I'm really sorry, I'm sick today. My throat feels like it's scratched to death. My animal report will come along soon enough, but give me time to recuperate. Before I retire for at least a few hours, tell me what you think about deforestation. Do you think animals deserve to be in this position? What do you think about the wood cutters and the debt that drives Brazil to poaching etc.? Quite a brain turner, eh? Well, I'm going to give you some time to post your answers as comments. I hope to see long, expressive answers. *wink, wink* Anyways, I hope that you enjoy my blog and put it on as a bookmark or a subscription. That way, you can view my work faster.

Enjoy the brain bending questions!

Zoophilos :o)

Ringed tails and Claw'd Feet

Today's day is Raccoon day. Contrary to what people believe, raccoon is spelled R-A-C-C-O-O-N. Not R-A-C-O-O-N. This is one of the most common spelling errors involving youngsters and adults. Here comes the classification of the common raccoon.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Procyonidae
Genus: Procyon
Species: Procyon lotor

Raccoon Myths
Done with that! Well the common raccoon is a mysterious creature, wreathed in many myths, just like bats. You can see the Top 10 Raccoon Myths here. Whatever people think, these myths are not true. But it is true that raccoon love food and have adapted well to urban life in the cities. They love to forage through trash, and the thing that you must NEVER do is leave food out for raccoons. Raccoons have a good memory, and will come back for more and more, eventually not letting you have a good night's sleep.

Raccoons As Pets
Raccoons are not good pets, and even if they look "so cute", you should never take one into your home unless it is absolutely necessary. Raccoons have needs suited for themselves, and should not be taken in as a pet. They are very rowdy and your food supply will be gone within 24 hours. Raccoons are omnivorous, which means they eat both meat and plants, and for that matter, anything edible. They love seafood and fruit, and pretty much anything! See here for advice from a pro about raccoons as pets.

Raccoons In General
Raccoons are very mischievous. They are also intelligent, which they take to their full advantage. You can recognize a raccoon by it's ringed tail and "mask" over its eyes. People often referred to the raccoon as a bandit and was shown as the "bad guy" in kid's shows. Raccoons are vicious and ready to defend themselves if the need arises and if they feel threatened, which is a good reason that the raccoon doesn't make a good pet. They eat almost anything, just like rats, and there are ways to deter them from scavenging your house, looking for something to eat. Raccoons have very dexterous hands which are used to pry things open. Such as a broken can, a mussel, a clam and other things that they can get their little hands on. Raccoons used to and still carry two very dangerous diseases: rabies and distemper. Both lead either human or animal to an early grave, and the symptoms include: staggering and apparent difficulty standing up and/or walking. Confusion, even if the human/animal is in a familiar place. Last, the very disturbing oblivion to either pain, other discomfort, or no signs of pleasure with anything.

Raccoons are mostly found near rivers and they live in forests, but can live in the city as well, due to the abundance of trash. Raccoons love shiny things, much like the magpie, and if something catches their interest, they grab it and consider it theirs. They are much like bandits, but again, not very much like them. Raccoons are just curious, and most of the time, their insatiable curiosity can lead to trouble for them and others. They are the fleeting shadow that scampers along alleyways, and that the passing human being ignores. Wether we like it or not, raccoons are vanishing just like many of the creatures that live on this earth. We must protect them and not pass them by as unimportant things.

Blogger Announcement!

Whee! Look at this cool feature! Blogger now allows us to type in Hindi! Look at this. This is probably going to make NO sense to many people out there, but here it is!

ब्लॉगर नोव अल्लोव्स उस तो टाईप इन हिंदी! थिस इस ग्रेट! ओरिएण्टल पीपुल कैन नोव रीड थिस!

Translates to: Blogger now allows us to type in Hindi! This is great! Oriental people can read this!

That's just cool... :)

Coming up: Raccoon Day Report.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Eyes and Tentacles and Suckers, Oh My!

Today, May 5th, is Giant Squid Day on my blog. And hereth starts the Giant Squid info.

Scientific Classification:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Subclass: Coleoidea
Order: Teuthida
Suborder: Oegopsina
Family: Archituthidae
Genus: Archetuthis

The giant squid we know, grows to monstrous dimensions, hence the frightening stories and sailor superstitions about this creature. One glance at this animal and you think that this is the end of you and your boat. The females have been measured up till 13 m at full length, and the males 10 m. That is pretty big. The females are larger, which is the reason why mating is so dangerous for males in the species of the giant squid. Look at the size of this great big brute!

The mating habits of the giant squid are not known, but many scientists have concluded that the male giant squid injects sperm with his spermatophore (which about 3 ft long, eww!) into the female giant squid and from therefore, the sperm is carried to the eggs and thus fertilized. We are not sure about this, as it is yet not proven.

Giant squids feed on almost anything that they can find. Fish, sharks, pretty much the carnivore of the ocean. They are preyed on by sperm whales, which find their ammonia flavored flesh attractive. Lucky for them, we don't have any use for the giant squid or its ammonia, and we don't bother it as much as other species of animal. It is said that there have been great fights between giant squids and sperm whales, ending in either both rivals dead or one alive and deeply wounded. Both fighters are equally matched, and therefore the duels between these two colossus are almost always ended in death. Look at the marks of the suckers on a sperm whale's skin!

That's my report, basically. The giant squid is a shadowy creature and it rarely is caught on film, as shown here. If you see the video, you can see what I mean by being LARGE. I hope you enjoyed it, and tomorrow, check back for another animal report! Practice makes perfect!

Hello All!

I get almost all of my information from the National Geographic (NatGeo) site and Wikipedia. I had hoped to see some comments by now, but I hope for the better. This is old news, but there is nothing new currently up, but the world's first giant squid has been captured on video and photographed. It's a great big brute with those eyes. The eyes of a giant squid are as big, or even bigger than a grown man's fist clenched. The giant squid has many tentacles, and two of these are the tentacles that are longer and used to kill things and grab prey of something that catches the interest of the squid. The two tentacles turn flat at the end, and there are suction cups attached so that nothing can escape its grasp once it has caught something. The only animal that can oppose and PREY on the giant squid is the sperm whale. If you aren't familiar with that name, think Moby Dick. He was a sperm whale. The sperm whale is one of the toothed whales and is commonly called the cachalot. The sperm whale has a large upper mouth and a thin jaw under. They produce a waxy kind of discharge which comes from the head. It is black in color and called Spermaceti. It was used for watch oil and car fuel and many other commercial products. As you can imagine, people started making businesses with Spermaceti, and so increased the number of sperm whales killed. Nowadays the sperm whale is a protected species, but the status of the species is at "vulnerable." There have been many findings of sperm whales with sucker scars on their skin. This proves that the sperm whale has fights with the infamous giant squid.

Every day will be dedicated to a new animal, complete with pictures, maybe a video and info on the species. Hope you enjoy!

Today's Day: Giant Squid


I'm losing it. Here's the link!

Hope you enjoy it!


About the Rare Rhino...

A group of scientists recently caught a rare rhino on film. Here's the link. The video isn't much, but it'll sate your appetite for the sight of the rhino. This type of rhino, the Sumatran Rhinoceros, hasn't been seen in over forty years. That's a long time, and as you can expect, the scientists expected the species to be extinct. Boy, what a surprise they got!


A Warm Welcome

I just opened a new blog. My last one wasn't very successful, so I decided to start fresh. This blog will be dedicated to animals and you can come here and post questions as comments. I'm here to answer, if it's in my reach, that is. Pictures and all that stuff for animal lovers, right here! My blog's name is Zoophilos, which means "animal friend". I hope that this will be a bigger hit than last time. I'm determined to get some readers this time. Please feel free to post questions and comments about my blog. But if you are rude and inconsiderate, I'm going to wipe out your comment and I will not answer your questions again. If you state your concerns in a good way, I'll read them and try to adjust as well as I can. Hope that you enjoy this!

-Zoophilos :)