Sunday, May 6, 2007

Disappointing Announcement

I'm really sorry, I'm sick today. My throat feels like it's scratched to death. My animal report will come along soon enough, but give me time to recuperate. Before I retire for at least a few hours, tell me what you think about deforestation. Do you think animals deserve to be in this position? What do you think about the wood cutters and the debt that drives Brazil to poaching etc.? Quite a brain turner, eh? Well, I'm going to give you some time to post your answers as comments. I hope to see long, expressive answers. *wink, wink* Anyways, I hope that you enjoy my blog and put it on as a bookmark or a subscription. That way, you can view my work faster.

Enjoy the brain bending questions!

Zoophilos :o)

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