Friday, May 4, 2007

A Warm Welcome

I just opened a new blog. My last one wasn't very successful, so I decided to start fresh. This blog will be dedicated to animals and you can come here and post questions as comments. I'm here to answer, if it's in my reach, that is. Pictures and all that stuff for animal lovers, right here! My blog's name is Zoophilos, which means "animal friend". I hope that this will be a bigger hit than last time. I'm determined to get some readers this time. Please feel free to post questions and comments about my blog. But if you are rude and inconsiderate, I'm going to wipe out your comment and I will not answer your questions again. If you state your concerns in a good way, I'll read them and try to adjust as well as I can. Hope that you enjoy this!

-Zoophilos :)

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