Friday, May 4, 2007

Hello All!

I get almost all of my information from the National Geographic (NatGeo) site and Wikipedia. I had hoped to see some comments by now, but I hope for the better. This is old news, but there is nothing new currently up, but the world's first giant squid has been captured on video and photographed. It's a great big brute with those eyes. The eyes of a giant squid are as big, or even bigger than a grown man's fist clenched. The giant squid has many tentacles, and two of these are the tentacles that are longer and used to kill things and grab prey of something that catches the interest of the squid. The two tentacles turn flat at the end, and there are suction cups attached so that nothing can escape its grasp once it has caught something. The only animal that can oppose and PREY on the giant squid is the sperm whale. If you aren't familiar with that name, think Moby Dick. He was a sperm whale. The sperm whale is one of the toothed whales and is commonly called the cachalot. The sperm whale has a large upper mouth and a thin jaw under. They produce a waxy kind of discharge which comes from the head. It is black in color and called Spermaceti. It was used for watch oil and car fuel and many other commercial products. As you can imagine, people started making businesses with Spermaceti, and so increased the number of sperm whales killed. Nowadays the sperm whale is a protected species, but the status of the species is at "vulnerable." There have been many findings of sperm whales with sucker scars on their skin. This proves that the sperm whale has fights with the infamous giant squid.

Every day will be dedicated to a new animal, complete with pictures, maybe a video and info on the species. Hope you enjoy!

Today's Day: Giant Squid

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